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Step-by-Step Guide to Entry Process

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Click here to create a new username.
  3. Enter User Name, e-mail address, and password, and click "Sign up."
  4. Check your e-mail for a message from IWFMasters Admin. (If an e-mail message does not arrive, check Spam and Junk folders; if no message is found, send a message requesting assistance to
  5. Click on the link in the e-mail message that you received.
  6. Click on Click here to go to your entry status page.
  7. Click on Click here to begin or edit your entry.
  8. On "Weightlifter Entry Form," fill in all requested information; every field is required.
  9. Note: You must enter your exact bodyweight as recorded at your qualifying meet, not your bodyweight category.
  10. When all information has been entered, click on "Save Entry."
  11. Read and verify that all information is correct, then check the boxes provided, and then click on "Submit Entry."
  12. Check your e-mail for a message confirming your submission.
  13. Wait until the week of May 1–7; during that week, e-mail notification will be sent to the 800 top-ranked lifters, instructing them to pay their entry fees to their national chair.
  14. You can check the status of your entry at any time by using your User Name and password to log back in to the system.
  15. If you have any questions at any time, send an e-mail message to
